Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Your daughter is your Princess...Want to make it Official?

So I'm strolling through the Mistletoe Market with my two year old, who is getting rather restless. As the heavens opened up, a light shone down on the "Kids Zone." Relief!

We walk into to see all the children vendors...Chuck E Cheese, Childrens' Books, Face Painters...But what really caught our eye is Venessa, The Louisiana Mermaid. But that's not who this article is about, this time. (If your curious, here is that Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/LouisianaMermaid)

As we sat down to speak to The Louisiana Mermaid, two adorable girls came to sit down with us. Due to my intense watching of Disney movies lately, it does not take me long to realize one is dressed as Alice in Wonderland and the other as Tinkerbell. As we began to speak the wonders of Princesses and which one was my daughter's favorite, I noticed they did not ONCE break character. Even when they were just speaking to me.

Then a ball was mentioned. Excuse me but...Say What?!?

"A PRINCESS ball?" I asked entirely too excited for a grown woman.

"Oh yes...A coronation ball." Alice in Wonderland answered still in her cute, little accent.

Get. Out. Tell me more!

The RentAPrincess group is holding a coronation ball where the your girls can wear the finest gowns, learn to dance and twirl, meet all the Princesses, watch performances, have delicious cake, and EVEN have the Snow Queen anoint them as official princesses.

You heard me right. Your little princess 

So which grown up reading right now is jealous??

Doors will open to the Lake House at 12451 Old Hammond Hwy
Baton Rouge, LA 70816 on Friday, January 16 at 5pm! 


They are only allowing 100 tickets to be sold, and 50 were already sold at Mistletoe Market. Want to know how to get a hold of this magical tickets? You have to go like their page. No really! They will be posting how to buy tickets next on their Facebook Page. Click here https://www.facebook.com/renttheprincess . And remember...Tell them who sent ya!


Disclaimer: All pictures borrowed from Facebook Page 


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