Monday, July 7, 2014

Healing Place Church

Healing Place Church

I was brought up in the Church. My grandfather was actually a Music Minister for a while there (until he became a successful men's clothing store owner...That man could DRESS!) My first mega church experience was in Houston, Tx. I was in awe. Having grown up in a smaller city in Mississippi, I belonged to the biggest Church in my adorable little town. But bands on stage?? Church go-ers wearing jeans on Sunday Morning? Coffee Shops inside the church? I was in Heaven. (No pun intended.) 

Now Church is church. But as Christians, we still need to attract people to the Church. And what better way than to make it an inviting, non-intimidating environment. And Pastor Mike Haman and his wonderful staff and family have nailed it. Meet Healing Place Church. From the first service I went to, I felt home. Sometimes more at home than my own home. I usually arrive just in time to go check my daughter into the FAB-U-LOUS kids' area. Then I enter and find my sit in the arena that is fully of so much energy, I swear sometimes the roof could blow off.

I dare you...Go try it out one Sunday. Just one. Services are at 9:00 a.m., 11:15 a.m., and 5:00 p.m. on Sundays. For more information go to Ohhhhh...did I mention the online sermons and podcasts.

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