Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Photography in Baton Rouge

Wedding coming up?? Did your precious little one just turn one? Or maybe just graduated? 

This are precious moments...Why not freeze them in time? My sister got me a session with Rachel Erin for Mother's Day. Now as a mother of a toddler, you get really excited about this things. Why wouldn't you? Your kid is the cutest thing in the world. Or your wedding is going to be the best wedding since the Royal Wedding, right? Toddler pictures are the hardest to shoot. And I'm here to tell ya...Rachel can handle it. So I know if she could get snaps like the ones posted below of my busy-body toddler, I know she can capture your wedding bliss seamlessly. Visit her sign at rachelerinphotography.com and go check out her like page at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Rachel-Erin-Photography/292848644081250 . Tell her I sent you!


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