Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Your daughter is your Princess...Want to make it Official?

So I'm strolling through the Mistletoe Market with my two year old, who is getting rather restless. As the heavens opened up, a light shone down on the "Kids Zone." Relief!

We walk into to see all the children vendors...Chuck E Cheese, Childrens' Books, Face Painters...But what really caught our eye is Venessa, The Louisiana Mermaid. But that's not who this article is about, this time. (If your curious, here is that Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/LouisianaMermaid)

As we sat down to speak to The Louisiana Mermaid, two adorable girls came to sit down with us. Due to my intense watching of Disney movies lately, it does not take me long to realize one is dressed as Alice in Wonderland and the other as Tinkerbell. As we began to speak the wonders of Princesses and which one was my daughter's favorite, I noticed they did not ONCE break character. Even when they were just speaking to me.

Then a ball was mentioned. Excuse me but...Say What?!?

"A PRINCESS ball?" I asked entirely too excited for a grown woman.

"Oh yes...A coronation ball." Alice in Wonderland answered still in her cute, little accent.

Get. Out. Tell me more!

The RentAPrincess group is holding a coronation ball where the your girls can wear the finest gowns, learn to dance and twirl, meet all the Princesses, watch performances, have delicious cake, and EVEN have the Snow Queen anoint them as official princesses.

You heard me right. Your little princess 

So which grown up reading right now is jealous??

Doors will open to the Lake House at 12451 Old Hammond Hwy
Baton Rouge, LA 70816 on Friday, January 16 at 5pm! 


They are only allowing 100 tickets to be sold, and 50 were already sold at Mistletoe Market. Want to know how to get a hold of this magical tickets? You have to go like their page. No really! They will be posting how to buy tickets next on their Facebook Page. Click here https://www.facebook.com/renttheprincess . And remember...Tell them who sent ya!


Disclaimer: All pictures borrowed from Facebook Page 


Monday, August 11, 2014



While sipping on my third Red Bull for the night, I fought my way through a sea of glow sticks, some sweet dance moves, and smiling faces. Everyone raged away to the opening local celebrity DJ's as they spun their happy hands off. I can honestly say I have never seen Baton Rouge Residents have these much fun, with the exception of LSU Football and Tailgating. Reminder: Invite Lil Jon to LSU football games!

Lil Jon played a major role in the electrifying atmosphere, but give credit where credit is due. I think XO Nightclub proved that they are the new hotspot for the Baton Rouge Night scene, and they never disappoint. Didn't make it Saturday Night? Don't worry. Rumor has it Lil Jon asked XO if he could come back. Well..um...YEA-UH!

Monday, August 4, 2014

The Taste of Tiger Tailgating

Football Season is almost here, and we can taste it...Literally.

August 23, 2014 starting at 5:00 p.m., come to the Baton Rouge River Center Arena for food, beverages, and entertainment kicking off the LSU Football Season. 
Some of Baton Rouge's finest food and beverage vendors show up at this event. Leave stuffed, buzzed, and ready for Kickoff. Tickets are $25, VIP are $35. Click here to purchase your tickets.
Entertainment by Dylan Scott, Natalie Stovall & The Drive. Special Guest Appearance by Jamie Lynn Spears. (Say what you want to say...I've seen the girl's show, and she is GOOD!)

Thursday, July 31, 2014


 Expected to Open Mid-August but if they build up inventory...Possibly sooner!

Oh, you haven't heard of Style-Encore? Me Either! But when Plato's Closet told me some of my brands were not what they were looking for (translation: Not Forever 21), they told me about Style-Encore. It is the same concept as a Plato's Closet, but with more designer, retail, and well..."work-appropriate" wear. They are aiming for an opening on August 20th, but are currently buying inventory. The quicker the inventory grows, the sooner they could open! So pour a glass of wine, make a promise to be real honest with yourself, and go dig through that closet of yours. Your size 2 jeans from High school...Come on, sister. Sell those and treat yourself to a Coach Purse. Tell them I sent ya!

Go check out the website and facebook page. Get on the mailing list to keep up with the opening!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Get Organized, Baton Rouge.

Closet Craze is the All the Organizing...Well Craze!

Have you ever experimented with one of your Pinterest projects only to find yourself covered in paint, saw dust, or glue 2 hours later with a bigger mess than when you started with? And I'm not just talking about the "chic-chalkboard paint-no primer-BS" we have all pinned to our boards. I'm talking about the organizing stuff. You know... it's that "Organized/Cleaning" board that you keep telling yourself "Next weekend, I'm totally having a re-organizing of the house." Ladies (and some gents)... You're kidding yourself. And I'm only saying this as your friend. Even if you DO get around to it, it will not look like the nice picture on your Pinterest board. Now don't click off yet because I have now insulted your DIY-natural born skills. It's just some things are best left to the professionals. See the picture above? Probably have something similar sitting in one of those lovely Pinterest boards now, huh? What if I told you there is a local company right here in Baton Rouge to make your closet make Carrie Bradshaw's closet look like a swamp.
Meet Katie Holt and her business Closet Craze. 

"I created Closet Craze about a year ago to offer my organizing and designing services for those who really just don't have the time to get to their closets! I always had a niche for closets so one day I thought, "Why not let others know I can help and turn this into a little business?!" There is no job too messy or too small! I receive feedback of clients fearing I will judge their messy closets. NEVER!  Not only does the end result look great, it becomes more user friendly!

I offer free consultations where I speak with the client and see what they're looking for! I take inventory of supplies needed (which I go out and get) and determine time and cost.

As for designing, the same consultation process applies. I outsource a carpenter to build and I come in and finish with organizing! The customer will deal only with me and I will communicate with the builder behind the scenes.

I can also provide wardrobe consulting...but this is a fine line that really depends on the customer! You don't want to dig deep and overstep as I've realized everyone is unique and sensitive when it comes to their style:)

I think that's a wrap! A basic summary of what Closet Craze offers!"

-Katie Holt, Closet Craze

So we can't have the Matching Outfits Computer Software from Clueless, but who cares? Now Baton Rouge has Closet Craze!

Go check out more about Closet Craze here and go like the Facebook Page Here!

Thursday, July 24, 2014



TURN DOWN FOR WHAT? Want a chance to see Lil Jon? Want to check out Baton Rouge's Newest Hangout Spot? Want to do both in the same night...FOR FREE? Lucky you! We are giving away two free tickets to get in the door of XO Nightclub where Lil Jon will be WHAATT??!-ing and YEA-AHH!"-ing all over the place! All you have to do is visit BRGeaux.com's facebook page, Like, and then Share the Page. A winner will be picked and announced on Facebook Friday, July 25th at 10 p.m. FOR MORE INFO CHECK OUT XO-BR.COM

Monday, July 21, 2014

Pho Pho Pho Friday

New Ritual: Pho Pho Pho Friday at Dream Berrie Cafe

My only problem with this place is they don't call themselves "We have the best Pho in Baton Rouge." Some people may pass this place up because it appears, at first glance, to be a yogurt shop (Hence the Name Dream Berrie). And it is. Good Frozen yogurt too. But my new addiction is the Pho Menu. Steamed Dumplings, Noodles, and Lamb. YUM! If you can't find me on Fridays, it's because I'm hiding out here, slurping my life away. Located on Sherwood, it's not far from anyone. Try it out, and tell them I sent ya! Check out the menu by clicking the picture above or here.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

XO shows Baton Rouge What A Night Club Is.

Your eyes aren't deceiving you...This place is located right here in Baton Rouge

Dance Floor. Check.
Plenty of seating for more of your "chill" folks. Check. 
Outdoor patio bigger than most bars you went to this past weekend. Check.
Two bars so you won't lose your buzz waiting for your next drink. Check.
Friendly staff that isn't texting while you are waving your twenty fiercely. And check.

I know I have blogged about XO recently, but that should tell you how impressed I am with this new joint. I think this is exactly what Baton Rouge Nightlife needed. An actual Night Club. Whether you like to run out on the dance floor as soon as your song comes on, or you prefer to sip on your vodka-sodas with your friends in a swanky-er atmosphere, XO is your stop. Every room provides a different atmosphere. And HELLO! Real VIP Sections. Like legitimate, velvet-roped-off, no-unwanted-drunkies-stumbling-in, VIP sections. Don't believe it? Well come join me August 9th for the Grand Opening. Oh and while you are there, check out Lil' Jon (Yes the "WHAT?! OK! Lil Jon). He will be on the stage you see pictured above. Go to XO-BR.com to purchase your tickets in advance. But if you are reading this on August 9th at 8:30 am, no worries. Tickets will be sold at the door as well. Tell them I sent ya!  

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