Thursday, July 31, 2014


 Expected to Open Mid-August but if they build up inventory...Possibly sooner!

Oh, you haven't heard of Style-Encore? Me Either! But when Plato's Closet told me some of my brands were not what they were looking for (translation: Not Forever 21), they told me about Style-Encore. It is the same concept as a Plato's Closet, but with more designer, retail, and well..."work-appropriate" wear. They are aiming for an opening on August 20th, but are currently buying inventory. The quicker the inventory grows, the sooner they could open! So pour a glass of wine, make a promise to be real honest with yourself, and go dig through that closet of yours. Your size 2 jeans from High school...Come on, sister. Sell those and treat yourself to a Coach Purse. Tell them I sent ya!

Go check out the website and facebook page. Get on the mailing list to keep up with the opening!

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